hl44lv Offline Brassens Profile Trails Points Lists Sitytrail × Do you really want to remove this contact? SityTrail Do you really want to block this user? Lists Favoris publics Favoris publics hl44lv Corrèze Ambrugeat Walking Easy Ambrugeat, New Aquitaine, Corrèze, France 14.3 km | 20 km-effort 4h 12min Yes viam19 Montagne du Cloup, les Farges Walking Medium Meymac, New Aquitaine, Corrèze, France 13.8 km | 19.1 km-effort 4h 36min Yes martinjacque chemin du bois de Chaleix Walking Easy Bugeat, New Aquitaine, Corrèze, France 7.1 km | 8.6 km-effort 2h 45min Yes < 1 >