Situated on the banks of the Lesse, this vast quadrangle dates back to the 16th century and was the property of the Mérode and the Hoffschmidt. During the nineteenth century, it belongs to the romantic hermit and philosopher Edmond of Hoffschmidt (1777-1861), who lived several years retired in a hermitage on the heights of Wood Niau. When he returned to the castle, this singular person devoted himself to the welfare of his commune and the villagers most deprived. He rests in the parish cemetery under a slab where this epitaph can be read: "He was the friend of the poor." The castle now belongs to a private owner, who has completely renovated it in a prestigious place of receptions: http://www.chateauderesteigne.be/fr/index.html μ
Source text: Jean-Luc Duvivier of Fortemps / House of Tourism of the Haute-Lesse.
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