Standing 55m tall and culminating at an altitude of 215, this "tienne" is the balcony of Nismes. The word "tienne" is a Gaulish word meaning hill. The name of the Tienne Breumont comes from its position overlooking the spot known as Les Breux, a Roman adaptation of the Germanic "broek", meaning marshes, which once lay below it.
The Walloon biodiversity portal also mentions the following: "The Tienne Breumont is one of the most prestigious limestone sites in Wallonia. Located in the Vallée de l'Eau Noire (Black Water Valley), north of Nismes, the site is part of the Viroin nature reserve. Vaste areas of xeric and mesophile grassland with absolutely exceptional flora can be seen there, including many rare species. The fauna is equally remarkable, with various xero-thermophile elements in particular (Orthoptera, butterflies, ants, etc.)."
Randonnées au coeur d'une nature préservée GUIDE+