Eprave houses the recently created Lesse brewery, a cooperative with a social purpose started in 2011 by a bunch of old friends that live in the area.
The brewery produces La Cambrée, which recently won an award in the category ‘amber beers with a moderate alcohol content’(6 to 8°). The Cambrée is a dark ginger coloured beer. The beer is a bit cloudy and has thick and smooth head. It has a delicate smoky aroma, a sweet and sour flavour and a hint of bitterness in the aftertaste.
The brewery also produces La Chinette, a blond beer with 6° alcohol content. The golden blond Chinette is slightly bitter, with a pleasant fruit aroma (citrus). Its name stems from the nickname that was given to the villagers of Buissonville in the early 20th century: the villagers loved to tease, which is why they were dubbed ‘Chinards de Buissonville’ (Chiner is Walloon dialect for ‘to tease’).
Then comes the Rouge-Croix; a brown beer with a 7,5° alcohol percentage. This high fermentation beer is fermented a second time in the bottle. You can taste the roasted aromas of malt and chocolate, as well a hint of Curacao. The beer is named after a Merovingian graveyard, la Rouge-Croix (i.e the ‘red cross’), in Eprave.
The brewery also produces the HIVEResse : dark brown and dense, it has a creamy head and is lightly sparkling. It has a spicy aroma, with distinctive notes of gingerbread, liquorice, etc.
And, last but definitely not least - the Marie Blanche, the brewery’s most recent creation. It's a white beer, with an abundant white head, sparkling and slightly bitter. It has a refreshing, slightly acid taste, and is best served cool. It has a very distinct citrus taste and aroma. A perfect drink for those balmy summer days!
You can visit the brewery by appointment, and the beers can be tasted in many local pubs and restaurants.
Randonnées de la Maison du Tourisme Famenne - Ardenne Ourthe & Lesse PRO