Control Point 10
How many days before Christmas Day in 1949 did the unlucky mine-clearer Roland meet his fate?
In what ''province'' of Belgium do you find the town where the mine-clearer was born?
Make an original group picture here (we will consider first and above all the original character of the picture...).
The unfortunate mine-clearer Roland did not actually pass away here exactly, but a few hundred meter further into the forest. You can find a metal cross at that spot (see the picture here under). To reach the spot, you will have to carefully follow the instructions here under:
'From here out shall thy follow the forest track towards the South'
'At the crossroads with a wooden cross shall thy eastwards (to the left) haul out'
'The wooden bank shall thy leave on your right'
'The forest path shall thy follow till the iron cross will be on sight'
'After having found it, back on your own steps up to the wooden cross shall thy proceed '
'The direction of ''Côô Village'' shall thy then take (the tree will you lead)'
Make a sketch drawing of the emblem of the Belgian Army's mine-clearer Corps, which you can find on the small plaque on the metallic cross (the place of the emblem on the small plaque is shown with a red arrow on the picture... but we of course wiped it out on the picture!).
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