Near the river, you can admire the gate of Lomprez, the last gate of the old medieval town, which is Gothic on one side and Romanesque on the other. Take the Rue de Revogne like you did at the start of the walk, then take the first on your right at the half-timbered house and continue until you reach the river. Please be respectful of the neighbourhood.
This gate, sometimes erroneously referred to as the “Roman gate”, in fact dates from medieval times (1240, as indicated on a plaque in Latin on the inside). The gate has been classified by the Royal Commission of Monuments and Sites. It has a double arcade that is partially vaulted inside, as well as a piece of the former surrounding wall. A quite remarkable fact is that the two arches are different in style : one side has a rounded, Romanesque arch, while the other has a Gothic, ogival (pointed) arch.
Randonnées de la Maison du Tourisme Famenne - Ardenne Ourthe & Lesse PRO