The Pavillon de chasse (Hunting Lodge), also known as the "baraque du loup" ("wolf's hut") was erected circa 1922 and was originally a military surplus from 1914-1918, known as the "Pavillon du Roi Albert" ("King Albert's Lodge"). In the woods of
Chimay, at Robechies specifically, the last wolf in Belgium was killed. Arthur Masson, a well-known figure in the Chimay region (born in Rièzes in 1896) was the author of the song "la Chimacienne", which starts with these words: "Si vous passez un soir par nos grands bois, lécho vous dira des rumeurs lointaines. Des cris affamés, de bêtes aux abois, dominant la chanson de nos vieux chênes .... Au loup au loup au loup ..." ("If you go through our great woods one night, the echo will tell you of distant rumours. Famished cries, howling beasts, dominating the song of our old oaks... Wolf, wolf, wolf...").
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