The origins of Theux date back to the Middle Ages. Charles Martel is said to have been born here. The church of Saint-Hermès (prefect of Rome) and Saint-Alexandre (pope). It is built of local yellowish stone. It is essentially a basilica with 3 naves of equal height (unique between the Loire and Rhine) covered by a common roof. The ceiling of the central nave is lined with 127 superb 17th-century paintings on wood, enhanced by lighting controlled by a coin-operated switch.
The choir ceiling partly depicts the Mysteries of the Rosary, while the chapel ceilings depict the Last Judgement and the Resurrection of Christ. The 15th to 18th century wooden statues have been restored. The baptismal font has a 12th-century vat.
Randonnées de la Maison du Tourisme de Spa Hautes-Fagnes Ardennes PRO