Surrounded by a large garden, this remarkable early 20th century villa was named "Ma Jacquy" after the daughter of the owner, an industrialist from Liège, Mr Deitz, mayor of Spa in 1933. He named the neighbouring farm at the back of the property "La Francinette", after his second daughter. The building contains all the characteristic features of the Anglo-American-inspired villas of Spa.
Spadoise villas of Anglo-Norman inspiration: irregular floor plan with numerous setbacks, sandstone rubble masonry, half-timbering, porticoes, wooden awnings and balconies, overhanging roofs with dormer windows and finials. The terrace is adorned with a remarkable
Art Deco style with a glazed ceramic balustrade, basins and a fountain decorated with stylised masks and frogs. This feature was listed as a monument by
decree of 04.03.1986 for its historical and artistic value.
On foot
Randonnées de la Maison du Tourisme de Spa Hautes-Fagnes Ardennes PRO