Contrary to what its name might imply, this hole was never inhabited by Saracens. In fat it is a fault that formed several million years ago and which already existed in the Neolithic era or the age of polished stone (-10,000 B.C.). At that time, the water placed stones there containing iron ore. This ore, named "le Sarrazin" by the Virellois, powered the forges of Virelles for a time. People only stopped working in this hole in the 18th century. Similar faults can be found at Han and Nismes. The wood in our regions had a very important influence on the life of the people. Virelles was the first village to be awarded 567 ha of forests by the Lord of Chimay in the 17th century. At that time, nearly all communal or individual activities depended on the forest. The forges, sources of wealth, used hardwood to melt the sarrazin; the forging machines, paddle wheels and bellows were made in the same way. Vehicles of all kinds, agricultural tools, clogs and roofs were also made of wood.