Natura 2000

New Natura 2000 Zones Map

Available with SityTrail World and SityTrail Full Premium

Published on 6/13/24 - Most recently updated on 6/13/24

For all your outdoor activities

SityTrail Natura 2000

New Map of Natura 2000 Zones

SityTrail Natura 2000

Available with SityTrail World and SityTrail Full Premium

A new map is now available in the SityTrail World and Full Premium subscription. It allows you to view, as an additional overlay, the map of all Natura 2000 zones in Europe.


Natura 2000 is a network of protected areas across Europe, aimed at conserving biodiversity. These zones are designated to protect threatened natural habitats and species of wildlife and flora. The map of Natura 2000 zones covers all the countries of the European Union and shows the protected terrestrial and marine sites.


Natura 2000 zones are essential for protecting nature in Europe, promoting sustainable human activities, and ensuring a healthy future for future generations. 





Importance of Natura 2000 Zones

1. Biodiversity Protection


These zones protect threatened species and habitats, helping to maintain and restore biological diversity in Europe.


2. Sustainable Development


Natura 2000 promotes economic practices compatible with nature conservation, such as organic farming, sustainable fishing, and ecotourism.


3. Research and Education


Natura 2000 zones serve as research sites for scientists and educational spaces to raise public awareness of the importance of nature conservation.


4. Human Well-being

By preserving natural ecosystems, these zones contribute to air and water quality, climate regulation, and other ecosystem services beneficial to humans.


SityTrail Nordic Walking Poles
SityTrail Nordic Walking

Advantages of the New Natura 2000 Zones Map

The integration of the Natura 2000 zones map into SityTrail World offers several advantages for hikers:


Planning Ecological Hikes: Users can design environmentally friendly routes, avoiding sensitive areas and enjoying protected natural landscapes.



Discovering Biodiversity: The map allows users to identify and explore unique natural habitats and protected species, enriching the hiking experience.



Conservation Awareness: Hikers are informed about conservation areas, increasing awareness and respect for biodiversity.



Environmental Education: Users can learn more about conservation efforts in Europe, enhancing their knowledge and commitment to nature protection.


The new Natura 2000 zones map in SityTrail World is a valuable tool for planning sustainable hikes, discovering natural treasures, and promoting biodiversity conservation in Europe. It enhances the hiker's experience while contributing to environmental protection. 🙏


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