How do I change a trail route?

  1. If you are no longer on the trail edit page, go to this page as explained here: How do I edit a trail?
  2. Choose the "Edit" tool in the control box.

  3. Zoom in sufficiently on the area of the route to be modified.
  4. Slide the mouse over the area of the route to be edited.

    The points constituting the route (red points) appear, as well as temporary points (white points) that allow you to densify and define the route in more detail.

  5. You can edit the route:
    • by deleting constituent points (red) by clicking on them.
    • by moving constituent points (red).
    • by densifying it by moving a temporary (white) point to the desired location. In this case it becomes a constituent point of the route and other temporary white points appear either side of it, allowing you to repeat the operation as many times as necessary.

When you move points of the route, if you are in automatic drawing mode and the route between the points is automatically recalculated according to the chosen travel mode.

If you want to be able to move the points freely, remember to choose manual drawing mode again.

If you need to remove a lot of points from a trail, consider using the following features:

- for deleting points per area:

How do I delete points from the route of a trail?How do I split a path?How do I merge multiple paths?

Laatste wijziging: 2024-05-10 12:51:50.052244
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