How do I find the topographical maps of my current subscription?

SeeHow do I edit the currently selected background map

About the topographical maps

The new version (Version 12 and above) brings together the maps of all countries in one application, so you no longer need to download multiple applications if you trail in different countries.

The maps are available depending on your subscriptions.

Your active subscriptions on the old version of SityTrail are still usable in this new version.

They give you access to the topographical maps of the purchased country and IN ADDITION to the OpenStreetMap mapsof the whole world and of course to the Premium featur

The subscription to SityTrail World gives you access to OpenStreetMap and SityTrail Topo World topographical maps, in addition to the Premium

If you do not have access to the maps you have subscribed to or to the Premium features (download of maps, etc.) there are several things you sho

  1. Are you logged in to your Sity account? If not, you only have access to OpenStreetMap maps.
  2. Are you logged in with the same account as the old version? You must use the "Continue with a Sity user or email" option on the login screen and enter the same username as the old version (or the email address associated with the account you used on the old version). If you log in with Google or Facebook, make sure that your Google or Facebook account email address is the same as that for the SityTrail account you used on the old version. If not, you cannot log in using a Facebook or Google account, but you must log in using the "Continue with a Sity user or
  3. Is your subscription still valid? You can check this via the "My account" section > "My subscriptions" on
Última modificación: 2024-05-21 11:40:13.765179
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