Why have prices changed for some subscriptions?

All subscriptions are now priced at €24.99€ per year per country and also €24.99€ per year for the World version due to severa

  • Each subscription to a country still gives you access to the IGN's topographical maps of that country. But it also gives you access to OpenStreetMap ( https://www.openstreetmap.org ) maps that you can use for that country, but also for all your trails abroad worldwidehttps://www.openstreetmap.org ) maps that you can use for that country, but also for all your trails abroad
  • For the World version specifically, following the request of many users, we have added, in addition to the SityTrail Topo World maps, marked routes around the world (hiking networks like the GRs, European routes, the ways of Santiago de Compostela, etc., cycling networks with the Greenways (Voies Vertes) in France, Ravel in Belgium, European routes, the Points-Nœœuds networks in the Netherlands and Flanders, ..., cross-country ski runs by colour). We have also added another map that is very useful for trails. Namely: the slopes map that can be used as an overlay on your topographical maps, both on the web and on your smartphones/tabl
  • More technically, but very importantly, we have recently migrated our servers to Google Cloud infrastructure. This will greatly improve the stability of our services and avoid the malfunctions we have experienced with our old infrastructure. Of course, this has resulted in significant additional c
  • Based on our survey of more than 1,000 users, we have introduced many new features to the apps and these are finally available via our website: https://www.sitytrail.com . Please check them out! We are currently considering offering combined subscriptions for several countries and/or world maps at a discounted pricehttps://www.sitytrail.com . Please check them out! We are currently considering offering combined subscriptions for several countries and/or world maps at a discounted price in the near future, but these subsc

Thank you for your understanding, trust and loyalty.

Última modificación: 2024-05-21 11:40:13.234438
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