How do I download maps offline?

  1. Open the app’s main menu.
  2. Select "Download maps".
  3. All your downloaded areas are listed on a new screen. If you want to download a new area, press on the icon at the bottom right of your screen.
  4. Then select the types of maps you want for the download.
  5. Press "Next" and select the geographical area.
  6. To do so, you can search for a specific location by clicking on the magnifying glass.
  7. You can choose a download radius by pressing "Select the area".
  8. If you want a more detailed map, you must check the "More detailed maps" box.
  9. Press "Validate" and give a name to the geographical area to be downloaded.

The "More detailed maps" option is not always available depending on the selected map type(s).

Última modificación: 2024-05-21 11:42:11.678312
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