Are my community's trails accessible to non-Premium SityTrail members?

As a SityTrail Premium member, your communities' trails are only available to other SityTrail members with a Premium subscription.

SityTrail Pro subscription

If you also want to be able to make your community trails accessible and downloadable in the mobile app to SityTrail members who do not have a Premium subscription, you need to change your community to one with "Pro" status.

To do so, a SityTrail Pro subscription is required.


The prices of this subscription depend on the number of publicly accessible trails in your community, for example:

  • €500 ex-VAT per year for a maximum of 20 trails
  • €1500 ex-VAT per year for a maximum of 100 trails
  • €3000 ex-VAT per year for a maximum of 300 trails

Information and payment of the subscription

For additional information about the SityTrail Pro subscription or to purchase this subscription, please contact us via email at

Letzte Änderung: 2024-05-21 11:45:47.939895
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