What are the different types of maps available?

Firstly, we offer our SityTrail Topo World and OpenStreetMap maps and our additional layers of marked routes around the world.

⇒ Check out our demonstration here: https://www.sitytrail.com/en/demo

⇒ Buy a Premium World subscription here if you want:

Secondly, we also offer the official topographical maps of different national geographical institutes:

  • IGN France
  • IGN Belgium
  • swisstopo
  • IGN Spain
  • Toporama (Canada)
  • USGS (USA)

⇒ Check out our different Premium subscriptions per country here: https://shop.geolives.com

For more information on the difference between the Premium World subscription and Premium subscriptions per country: What is the difference between the Premium World subscription and the Premium subscription for a country (France, Belgium, etc.)?

Letzte Änderung: 2024-05-21 11:45:55.792724
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