Sivry-Rance (14) - "L'arbre des 4 frères" ("Tree of the 4 Brothers") Walk
La Forêt du Pays de Chimay
Randonnées au coeur d'une nature préservée GUIDE+

Difficoltà : Molto facile

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Chi siamo
Percorso Marcia di 917 m da scoprire a Wallonie, Hainaut, Chimay. Questo percorso è proposto da La Forêt du Pays de Chimay.
This walk takes place in the territory of Chimay, a hamlet some distance from the town centre. La Fagne is geographically close to the village of Rance, which is separated from it by
the stream called LEau dEppe (Eppe Water).
You arrive here by following the tourist road of La Botte du Hainaut between Rance and La Fagne de Chimay (Parapette).
The walk starts in the car park at the entrance to the woods.
A monument will likely catch your attention. This rustic stele made of Rance marble
was erected in memory of the owner Arthur Massart, deputy burgomaster of Rance for many years.
When he died, he bequeathed his 200 hectares of woods to the municipality of Rance.
In this estate stands the wonderful oak tree named Les Quatre Frères (The Four Brothers).
As you walk along, see the variety of forest species that misleadingly seem to be natural vegetation. Now for a bit of history! For centuries, La Fagne was part of an immense forest massif stretching from Beaumont to Chimay, and from Mariembourg to Hirson (France). A few villages such as Rance formed
inhabited, cultivated clearings. La Fagne forest has kept its primary integrity. The magnificent oaks, famous throughout history, have been used in many local and regional constructions; their renown has spread beyond our borders. After the death of the Marquis de Pange and his wife, circa 1860, their heirs sold La Fagne to the Société pour lexploitation de la Fagne, also known as the Société Lamarche. The aim of this company was the near-total clearing of the forest to create a crop-growing centre. A dozen farms were built as well as a school and
a church. The latter was never consecrated.
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