Cruz del Carmen - bajamar from half way
Wouter Brunia
Difficulté : Difficile
Application GPS de randonnée GRATUITE
À propos
Randonnée Marche de 9,3 km à découvrir à Îles Canaries, Santa Cruz de Ténérife, Tegueste. Cette randonnée est proposée par Wouter Brunia.
part of the PR-TF12 we took the bus to Cruz del Carmen and walked down to Bajamar, the first part is easy and you walk in the forest.
The route recording starts later, where the signage is good! Follow the route on the same side of the road when you reach the metal gate and road after around one KM. Ignore the yellow white crosses (here you shouldn't go) and follow the double markings yellow white. At the information center at the start you can get a map, but it's not very precise. You can buy sandwiches and some fruits. Make sure to bring at least 500ml water per person!
The second part is going down all the time, quite steel on mountain side trail. There is no cover from the sun and it can get hot! This part is tough, but absolutely stunning! Don't forget a good hat, sunglasses and suncream.
It is possible to take side routes to Pedro Alvarez (PR-TF12.2) or Tegueste (PR-TF12.1) . Both have bus connections with Titsa (
Final stage you walk in Bajamar through agricultural area and wind down towards the bus stop. Here you also find shops and restaurants. Bring swim suit for a dip in the natural pool (few minutes walking).
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