Orval, return via Harris
SityTrail - itinéraires balisés pédestres
Tous les sentiers balisés d’Europe GUIDE+
Dificultad : Medio
Aplicación GPS de excursión GRATIS
A propósito
Ruta A pie de 18,5 km a descubrir en Escocia, Highland. Esta ruta ha sido propuesta por SityTrail - itinéraires balisés pédestres.
Orval is the highest of the hills in the northern half of Rum, a superb viewpoint for both the Rum and Skye Cuillin and surrounding islands, with a dramatic craggy escarpment of its own. The descent leads to Harris on Rum's western coastline, the site of the Bullough's mausoleum and a beautiful location in its own right, before a long return on tracks to Kinloch.
Sitio web: https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/islands/orval-harris.shtml
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