Hallival and Barkeval
SityTrail - itinéraires balisés pédestres
Tous les sentiers balisés d’Europe GUIDE+
Schwierigkeit : Einfach
Über SityTrail
Tour Zu Fuß von 5,6 km verfügbar auf Schottland, Highland. Diese Tour wird von SityTrail - itinéraires balisés pédestres vorgeschlagen.
These two most northerly summits in the Rum Cuillin are the closest to Kinloch and give a magnificent hillwalk. The terrain is steep and rocky on Hallival especially, but these two hills still give much easier going than the main summits if the full round of the Rum Cuillin is too difficult. They give astonishing views of mountain and sea.
Website: https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/islands/barkeval-hallival.shtml
Touren in der Umgebung
Zu Fuß
Zu Fuß
Zu Fuß
Zu Fuß