Everbeek/Brakel: Haeyesbos - Livierenbos - Maandagkouter
Difficoltà : Medio
Applicazione GPS da escursionismo GRATUITA
Chi siamo
Percorso Marcia di 4,4 km da scoprire a Vlaanderen, Provincia delle Fiandre Orientali, Brakel. Questo percorso è proposto da koen.steenhoudt.
Not more than 4,5 km but with all ingredients of the Flemish Ardens: majestic beech trees and forest lanes, relief changes, freaking creek valleys and ropey landscapes ... and in spring - naturally - the eye catching carpets of white anemones and blue hyacinths.
Park the car near the corner of Kroonstraat with Hoogbos at Everbeek-Boven. Enter Haeyesbos. At node 86, leave the steep descent at your left, and go to the right. Make a wide turn along a beautiful hollow forest path and alongside an old chapel. After the white house, turn to the left, leaving the node network for a moment. At the next junction, turn to the right, cross the wooden bridge en follow a scenic path along the edge of a ropey meadow. At the next junction (node 87) turn left and follow a short lane bordered by hedges. This lane continues into the long majestic lane through Livierenbos, which you follow for 1 km, until node 35. Turn right en follow a small, winding path through a steep creek valley. A short climb brings you at the edge of Maandagkouter. Follow the edge of forest and farmland until a small paved road. Turn right and follow this road for 500 m, leaving node 36 at your right. Turn left, into a field track, following node 3, which you already reach after 100 m. Continue in the direction of node 86. After open farmland with a view on the southern edge of Haeyesbos, you are back at the starting point.
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